News and updates
The Big Show 9
May 16 - June 12, 2015
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 16, 4-8 pm
Silas Marder Gallery
120 Snake Hollow Road
Bridgehampton, NY
T: 631-702-2306
February 27 - April 11, 2014
Opening Reception: Thursday February 27, 6-8 pm
Rush Arts Gallery
526 W.26th St., suite 311
New York, NY
The Big Show 8
May 18 - June 18, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 18, 5-9 pm
Silas Marder Gallery
120 Snake Hollow Road
Bridgehampton, NY
T: 631-702-2306
The Romantic Impulse: Currents in Contemporary Art / Part II
August 2 - 31, 2012
Opening Reception: Friday, August 3, 5-7 pm
Gross McCleaf Gallery
127 S. Sixteenth Street
Philadelphia, PA
T: 215-665-8138
Painting Is History
Featuring work by Charles Browning, The Chadwicks, David Fertig, Joe Fig, Valerie Hegarty, and Steve Mumford
July 11 - August 10, 2012
Winkleman Gallery
621 West 27th Street
New York, NY 10001
T: 212.643.3152
James Kalm video review
Beauty Trap
October 13 - November 12, 2011
Solo show at Schroeder Romero & Shredder
Opening Reception Thursday, October 13, 6-8 PM
Schroeder Romero & Shredder
531 West 26th Street
New York NY 10001
tel 212.630.0722
email: info@srandsgallery.com
A page of gallery shots from the show.
Review of this show
...an exhibition with attitudes
Curated by Doug McClemont and Billy Miller
June 30 - August 12, 2011
Anna Kustera Gallery
520 West 21st Street
New York, NY 10011
tel 212-989-0082
- History of What
Group Show
June 25 - August 3, 2011
The Silas Marder Gallery
120 Snake Hollow Road
Bridgehampton, NY 11932
tel 631-702-2306
- Hunt & Chase
Curated by Beth Rudin DeWoody & James Salomon
July 11 - August 15, 2010
Salomon Contemporary
6 Plank Road, #3
East Hampton, NY
- Epic Painting
Oct 23-Dec. 8, 2009
Works from
Al Banisadr, Charles Browning, Robert Colescott, Julie Heffernan, Laurie Hogin, and Nicky Nodjoumi
Bucknell University
Samek Art Gallery
Lewisburg, PA 17837
tel 570.577.3792
- It's a Schro Ro Summer!
July 9 - 31, 2009
Works from
Brice Brown, Charles Browning, Janice Caswell, Susan Graham, Eric Heist, Andy Diaz Hope and Laurel Roth, Laurie Hogin, William Powhida, Michael Waugh, Ken Weaver
637 West 27th Street
New York, NY 10001
- Strangers in a Strange Land
August 2009
Works from
Charles Browning, Duncan Hannah, Todd Hebert, and Carl D'Alvia
Morgan Lehman Gallery
24 Sharon Road/Rte 41
PO Box 1305
Lakeville, CT 06039
tel (860) 435.0898
fax (860) 435.0899
Review of this show
- Dark Americana
Featuring: Derek Albeck; Grant Barnhart; Charles Browning; Bruce Conner; Chris Crites; R. Crumb; Oscar Cueto; Jack Daws; John De Fazio; Bill Fick; Scott Fife; Maria Forde; Rebecca Goldfarb; Tom Huck; Charles Krafft; Brendan Lott; TV Moore; Raymond Pettibon; Liz Rossof; Roger Shimomura.
April 4th - May 9th, 2009
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 4th, 2009, 4pm - 6pm
Baer Ridgway Exhibitions
172 Minna Street
San Francisco, CA
- Giving Face
Portraits for a New Generation
Curated by Stephen Heighton
Press release (PDF)
Featuring: Nina Chanel Abney; Damien Hirst; Skylar Fein; Nick Cave; Bénédicte Peyrat; Norbert Bisky; James Gobel; Kim Dorland; Cayce Zavaglia; Ken Weaver; James Everett Stanley; Charlie Roberts; Andrew Diaz Hope; Liz Markus; Li Bo; Charles Browning; Nathan Ritterpusch; Robert Loughlin; Jon Flack; Randy Polumbo; Julie Heffernan.
March 7 - April 11, 2009
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 6-9 pm
Nicholas Robinson Gallery
535 West 20th Street
New York NY 10011
Tel (212) 560-9075
Fax (212) 560-9076
- Remembering to Forget: Strategies of Propaganda and Mythology
Charles Browning's solo show at Schroeder Romero
May 15 - June 21, 2008
Opening Reception: Thursday, May 15, 6-8pm
Schroeder Romero
637 West 27th Street - Ground Floor
New York, NY 10001
(212) 630-0722
Reviews of this show from the Back-seat Critic and Donne Tempo
- Caucus
Charles Browning - Jennifer Dalton - Eric Heist - Laurie Hogin
Lou Laurita - Walter Martin & Paloma Muñoz - Laura Parnes
William Powhida - Heidi Schlatter - Michael Waugh - David Wojnarowicz
January 10 - February 16, 2008
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 10, 6-8pm
Schroeder Romero
637 West 27th Street - Ground Floor
New York, NY 10001
(212) 630-0722
- Keeping it Real
Curated by Jerry Kearns
November 15 - December 21, 2007
James W. and Lois I. Richmond Center for Visual Arts
Gwen Frostic Shool of Art
Albertine Monroe Brown Gallery
College of Fine Arts
Western Michigan University
1903 W. Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Director of Exhibitions: Don Desmett @ 269-387-2455
- Promised Land
Curated by Elizabeth M. Grady
June 7 - August 4, 2007
Morgan Lehman Gallery, NYC
web: http://www.morganlehmangallery.com
READ REVIEWS FROM: The Village Voice; The New York Times
- Story Redefined
Curated by Ji-Yaang Kim & Sisun Song
April 12 - 28, 2007
- Don't Know Much About History
Curated by Denise Markonish
November 18, 2006 - January 20, 2007
Artspace, New Haven, CT
READ REVIEWS FROM: The New York Times; The New Haven Advocate; CT Artscene; CT Central;
About Charles Browning's work:
Everything in nature is lyrical in its ideal essence, tragic in its fate, and comic in its existence. - George Santayana
The past is never dead. It's not even past. - William Faulkner
The paintings of Charles Browning offer a complex interplay of Art and History, humor and brutality, sincerity and irony, narrative and allegory. They present us with a "new" history painting, one that lays claim to a position of authority among the images of the past. Browning's sincerely flat-footed love of an anachronistic form of painting adroitly skewers the propaganda of frontier mythology. Using the associative potential of historical imagery and narrative, the scope of Browning's work expands to implicate us all in the goings on within.
What's your strategy? Blow on west, shooting and drinking, and before you know it, you've conquered a continent. Use it or lose it! "We The People" shall decide who shall be included in "The People." All others will serve or be destroyed, absorbed, or forgotten. We move closer to the self-evident truths and inalienable rights laid out at the founding of the nation by eliminating inconvenient claimants. And they will keep popping up!
What's wrong with this picture? We live in funny times. We live in unfunny times. A confluence of Nationalism and Romanticism in 19th century American painting forms an image of the nation, a cultural foundation for the idea of Manifest Destiny, for Paul Bunyan, Kit Carson, Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. Distract the people from real dangers with shadow play. Shoot where there are easy targets. Sound familiar? Tell us another story of our great success, a story to explain away the cruel clowns and buffoonish brutes from then 'till now.
Press comments:
From "Fixing What' Aint Broken: Notes on Non Magical Realism" by Douglas Kelley (http://dks.thing.net/)
When Charles Browning paints about 'Politics out of History' he does not mean an ahistorical politics, but a politics that has lost its mooring in History as a grand narrative of progress. he accordingly situates his work within that paradoxical space where modernity and postmodernity -- structured history and posthistoire -- are entangled. Here he identifies a pervasive cultural and political malaise: a residual bad faith whereby we fetishise or mourn the anachronistic forms of a more meaningful history even as we jettison their foundations. His aim is to think through the possibilities that emerge from these ruins of modernity and to resist the dangers of a reactionary, moralising or nostalgic politics that all too readily emerges from anxieties incurred on the threshold of post-modernity. Indeed he strikes a rather recuperative note in his introduction by espousing the hope that history 'may finally come home.'
Foundry notes:
Charles Browning is a long time friend of mine. We have worked together on many projects over the years, including several Yellow Snow Chapbooks and the Mote CD package. Charles created the What are you afraid of? installation with Lynda Gene Rymond, for which I recorded music (these recordings led to the Descent album, which I released under the name The Apiary). Charles and I collaborated again several years later on the A Year and A Day installation (I provided the soundtrack for the video element), for which Charles was the recipient of the Michener Millennium Design Award.
Charles has painted for as long as I've known him and has shown work in various galleries over the years. Charles has been developing a significant body of work, creating paintings more layered and complex every year - it has been exciting to see such growth. You can explore a selection of this work at the left.
The small reproductions here certainly do not do justice to the full sized works (note the actual size below each work), but they will, I think, whet your appetite to attend one of the many shows in which Charles is having his work displayed.
Michael Bentley (1 January 2007)